Sunday 10 April 2011

For my CD cover which I have based on this template, I have used various shots taken straight out of the music video. This is due to I like the neon glow effects used within the video and it gives a strong link between the CD cover and music video. Which also gives a strong relation to the trance genre music. I have kept another re-occurring theme through out the CD cover as well to create the strong relation between the artist and the music genre.

Final Poster Production:

This is the final production draft of Armo Ke. I have used a artistic drawn style to this image. I used this to once again capture the striking bold colours, again to keep in theme with the trance genre.

I have also used the artist whom also stars in the music video for central protagonist for the poster and people who owns the CD will make the connection of trance music with this artist.

I have also used Iconic parts of Bristol city (Suspension Bridge) to signify that the Trance genre is an iconic piece of music, and also stays with the stereotypical mise-en-scene of a city/urban environment for the trance music.

Final CD Cover

For my CD cover for the Trance music genre, I have stuck to the generic conventions of the genre. For this I have made the CD look like its giving off a type a neon glow effect, a very common relation to the trance music genre. This is created by a strong contrast and exposure, which is also a re-occurring theme throughout the music video also, as it makes the neon colours really stand out in a strike and bold way.

I have placed the text and subject around the shining light in the background, which represents trance music is a new style to the typical genre of music mainstream audience heard. Gives a new light on music. The wording and subject also draws the eye in towards the frame, to suggest a type of explosion of new music this CD will give.

I have made the male protagonist a silhouette to create a sense of mystery to the character. Making the genre seem mysterious and trying to get the audience to discover this mystery through the music inside the CD cover.

Audience Feedback audio commentary:

Audio Commentary for music video

(due to technical problems the CD cover has been used for the video)

Equipment for filming, editing and research (Evaluation)


Thursday 31 March 2011

Music Video Link:

Album Cover

The album cover of Basshunter, has very bright neon colours that keep in theme with the stereotypical trance music genre style.

It also includes the artist of the music, in the centre of the frame with leading lines drawing the eye inwards so the audience can relate his face to the music genre style.

The artists name is in huge bold lettering so it is easy to read, and makes it stand out from the cover, in quite a urban style lettering, however the colour white makes it feel cool to the audience.

The background is simple with leading lines drawing the eye inwards towards the centre of the frame. There is also the big fast looking car in which the artist is sitting on the car signifying that his music is fast like the typical trance genre.

Tuesday 4 January 2011

Music Edit

I have edited the original soundtrack from 6 minutes to roughly 2 and a half. This was due to the song becoming repetitive, which the audience did not connect with. As in the audience research they stated that music was the key part of the music video. So they suggested that the music should not repeat and have a variation in style.
original unedited version