Tuesday 21 September 2010

Armo Ké: The Brief

For my project I am going to be focusing on the music genre of Trance and the artist in which I am studying is Armo Ké. Armo Ké has been producing music for the copyright free music, Youtube channel called, 'FREESOUNDTRACK'.

I am creating a music video using the song: "Time for a Cruise". The target audience I am aiming for is 18-25 year range, as these are the audience that listen to the genre of music in clubs etc.
Due to the fact that I do not have contact with the artist, I have decided to follow the conventions of the Trance genre, to promote the video. However this means that I can create any style I want, without consulting the artist for agreement. I am doing some audience research in what they expect from a Trance music video as well. Also to promote the music video by possibly uploading it onto a Youtube Channel designed for the artist and also a website, or CD cover to advertise the music along with the video.

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