Thursday 7 October 2010

First Ideas:

House Party:

This is the effect on how busy the party scene should be, in the trance music video. This also follows with the convention of alcohol and bright lights filling the room. In the Trance genre, the re-occurring theme (Goodwin) of the colour neon blue, in majority of the scenes flashing. The colour needs to fill the frame when the house party takes place.

To solve the problem of making the party scene look busy, with could be
achieved by lots of close-ups and pull focus shots so the background
is blurred to make the scene look busier.

The dancing (with diegetic music) has to be in time with the music, as
if they are listening to it, as the audience do.

Again the club scene would have to be crowded with people in the mis-en-scene. The typical view point the camer
a would be placed is facing e
ither behind the DJ like in this photo, or behind the crowd, showing the bright flashing lights. Neon blue in conventions of trance music.Another convention of the trance club scene is various close
-ups of the DJ playing the music, as if the audience is part of the club audience. This could also help with the pr
oblems of creating a busy par
ty scene, however would limit the various lengths of shots and the same people in shot may become repetative and unrealistic. Another problem with bright flashing lights is, that it might effect exposure on the camera causing the focus to become blurred.

1 comment:

Mr P said...

Excellent. A clear visual style is developing here. Now you just need to work out how to create it! Try doing some research into coloured lens filters - this need only be a piece of a theatre-light 'gel' held over the lens. This will give all your light a green / blue / red (whatever) hue.