Tuesday 28 September 2010

Audience Results:


The most common Generic Conventions of Trance music from the Audience Poll, was involving a DJ within the music video, which this also included the mis-en-scene of the video a Club scene.

The audience, in a majority vote, voted for the video to focus on the music, rather than having a narrative for the video. This could include having the action of the scene or the editing pace matching the beat of the music.

The re-occurring theme, should be the colour of neon blue, as this closely follows the conventions of the Trance genre. This closely follows Goodwin's theory of a re-occurring theme of the colour neon blue.

My audience age range has now changed from the brief. The age range will now be 18-25 year olds, as majority of the audience voted this age range listens to the Trance genre the most.

The place to advertise the music video is 'Youtube'. As many people listen to music and watch music videos on 'Youtube' 1st than anywhere else.

The main focus of the of my video is going to be on the lifestyle of the track genre, which will involve the Urban/Party environment. This is due to no contact with the artist otherwise the generic convention would be to focus on him/her.

Following Goodwin's theory with the results, I will make actions and the editing fit in with the music, as the audience research stated that this is the most important part of the music video.

1 comment:

Mr P said...

So, audience is identified, and the channels you will use to target them. But what about the elements within the video you will promote? Are you promoting the artist or the scene? The song or the lifestyle? Get these questions answered early so that you have a clear idea to go into the planning stage with. A link to your poll would also be useful.